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What to Look For in an Ostomy Supplies Provider

If you’ve had a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy procedure, then you need the right kind of supplies for your specific condition in order to maintain your health and well-being. But finding the provider for your supply needs can sometimes feel like you’re searching through a maze. Not all medical supply companies are equal.

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5 Things to Look For in an Ostomy Supplies Provider

Here are a few suggestions of what you should look for in an ostomy supplies provider:

1. Direct billing to your insurance

You shouldn’t have to deal with the insurance company after every purchase. Find a company with knowledgeable billing staff that specializes in third-party billing and will bill your insurance directly, meaning less paperwork, less time on the phone, and less headache for you.

2. Respectful discretion

While having an ostomy is nothing to be ashamed about, not everyone wants to be open about their lives post-ostomy surgery. That’s why you should be able to count on the protection of your privacy by your ostomy supplies company. Your ostomy supplies provider should offer discreet packaging as an option. In addition, make sure they strictly follow HIPAA guidelines and will protect your privacy when calling your home or place of work.

3. Free home delivery of your ostomy supplies

You can’t depend on local stores or pharmacies to always have the best selection or the items you need readily available. Plus, you may have to pick your supplies up yourself most of the time. However, if you find a reliable ostomy supplies provider, you can rely on them to have high-quality items in stock. Also, they’ll be able to deliver your supplies discreetly right to your door.

4. Friendly, knowledgeable customer service

An ostomy supplies company that truly cares about their customers will be specialists at what they do. Their staff will treat your concerns and questions with the care and respect you deserve.

5. Will work with your insurance and physician

If you’ve been using ostomy supplies for years or are brand new to it, you need an ostomy supplies provider that will work with you and your physician. They can handle obtaining any necessary prescriptions or documentation needed by your insurance to cover your ostomy products. Plus, they’ll work within your doctor’s directives to find product solutions that work best for your needs.

180 Medical has provided superior service and quality catheter, incontinence, and ostomy supplies to customers for years. Give us a call or contact us on live chat to see why so many choose and stay with us for their much-needed supplies.
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About the Author
What to Look For in an Ostomy Supplies Provider
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical, and she has been with the company for 15 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and hearing from customers about the positive impact we've made on their lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).