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10 Inspirational Quotes for Living With a Spinal Cord Injury

After a devastating injury or illness, it can be difficult to find hope or see a light ahead. We’ve compiled our top ten favorite quotes from real people living with a spinal cord injury to inspire and motivate you!

Our Favorite Quotes for Living with a Spinal Cord Injury 

If you find yourself facing a dark situation as you adapt to your spinal cord injury, don’t give up.

Below are 10 powerful quotes from people living with a spinal cord injury. If you find yourself losing hope, we hope these quotes inspire you to never give up. 

  1. “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.”

    – Christopher Reeve, Actor and Founder of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation

    christopher reeve choose hope quote

  2. “Never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something just because of your spinal cord injury. It’s sometimes just a matter of figuring out how to do it in a new way. Above all, never give up.”

    Ryan, 180 Medical Employee

  3. “In life, you have a choice. You can either look back or look forward. I choose to look forward.”

    Ian, 180 Medical 2018 Scholarship Recipient

  4. “Life in a chair isn’t always easy, but I promise that you can get stronger to handle so much of what you’re facing. Keep up the fight!”

    Amberley Snyder, Motivational Speaker

    amberley snyder motivational spinal cord injury quote

  5. “I want everyone I come across to discover their inner champion, get off the sidelines of life, get in the race, and know that the finish line is within their reach.”

    Tricia Downing, Professional Athlete and Founder of Camp Discovery

  6. “The greater the challenge, the greater the joy in overcoming it. Never let anything or anyone stop you from fulfilling your dreams.”

    Steve, 180 Medical Patient Advocate

  7. “Take what you are given and make the most of it.”

    James, 180 Medical Patient Advocate

  8. “You may have to sit down – but never let yourself sit still.”

    – Meena Outlaw, 180 Medical Blog Contributor

  9. “Ultimately, life is short. The best thing to do is to experience as much as you can in the time you are here. Despite your spinal cord injury, I believe you are still meant for great things. Believe in yourself too!”

    –  Mason Ellis, 180 Medical Blog Contributor

    mason ellis spinal cord injury quote

  10. “Where you are now is not where you will always be. Just keep on trying, and know that tomorrow really is a new day.”

    Jen Goodwin

Find Hope and Inspiration

At 180 Medical, our community of customers is full of people like you who have faced a challenging illness, injury, or diagnosis. Many of them lead normal, independent, healthy lives. Also, many of them go on to do things they didn’t know were even possible! Read their inspiring stories on the 180 Medical blog.

We hope you’ll join our community and share your story too.

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About the Author
10 Inspirational Quotes for Living With a Spinal Cord Injury
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical, and she has been with the company for 15 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and hearing from customers about the positive impact we've made on their lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).