How to Self-Catheterize
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How to Use a Hydrophilic Catheter For Males
Important Note on Hydrophilic Catheters:
If you experience pain or discomfort while using a catheter, hydrophilic catheters may be a good choice for you. While some brands of hydrophilic catheters are pre-activated and ready to use as soon as you open the package, others may require you to activate the coating first. If the hydrophilic catheter has a packet, you must first activate the hydrophilic properties of the catheter by releasing the solution.
To do this, unfold the package and then fold the water packet about halfway. Next, apply pressure with your thumb and forefinger to burst the package. This will release the solution. Make sure that it has fully coated the catheter. Lastly, allow at least 30 seconds to fully hydrate.
Catheter Instructional Videos
A message about hydrophilic catheters from 180 Medical Founder Todd Brown.
This personalized catheter instructional video guide offers step-by-step instructions for male self-catheterization, including a guide for catheterizing in a wheelchair.
Rusch FloCath Quick Kit
This video demonstrates preparing the Rusch FloCath Quick Kit or another similar hydrophilic catheter option with a water packet.
CompactCath Catheter
This video demonstrates how to use the pre-lubricated CompactCath catheter, which comes inside a clear palm-sized case.
This video shows you how to prepare and use an MTG hydrophilic straight male catheter.
Instructional video for the Rusch MMG H20 Hydrophilic Intermittent Closed Catheter System.
This video shows how to use a Hydrophilic Male Urinary Catheter that has a straight tip. MTG’s hydrophilic lubrication makes catheter insertion easy with less irritation.
BD’s instructional catheterization video for how to cath using a BD Magic3™ Hydrophilic Catheter.
BD’s instructional catheterization video for how to catheterize with a BD Magic3™ GO Hydrophilic Catheter.
BD’s intermittent self-catheterization guide for females learning how to cath with a hydrophilic catheter.
BD’s Intermittent Self-Catheterization Guide for Males with the Magic3 Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter with Sure-Grip™ Insertion Sleeve.