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How to Self-Catheterize

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how to cath women

How to Use a Closed System Catheter For Women (Females)

We understand that women might have specific questions about how to use a closed system catheter. Closed system catheters are perfect for women who want a discreet and hygienic way to self-cath. We offer the following video resources, which have extensive information regarding closed system catheter use below:


Female Closed System Catheter Instruction Videos


Closed System Catheters
A message about closed system catheters from 180 Medical Founder, Todd Brown.

me plus personalized video guide for catheterization
Convatec me+ Personalized Video Guide
This personalized catheterization video guide provides step-by-step instructions for female self-catheterization with closed system catheters and other catheters for women, including instructions for women who use wheelchairs.

Printable Female Catheterization Instructions


Mature content disclaimer: certain content may contain graphic depictions and descriptions of catheterization for informational and educational purposes, which may be offensive to some viewers. 180 Medical disclaims all responsibility for such materials.


Please note that this is intended to provide a general understanding of self-catheterization. It should not be used in place of a visit, call, or consultation with a physician or other healthcare provider.
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