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The Full Guide to No-Touch Catheters

Since the introduction of clean intermittent catheterization to drain the bladder, intermittent catheter technology has continued to advance. No-touch catheters have become especially popular among catheter users. Find out why with our handy guide to no-touch catheters.

What is a No-Touch Catheter?

No-touch catheters (also known as touch-free catheters or touchless catheters) are advanced catheter products that keep self-catheterization more sterile. Generally, these are closed system catheters (sterile catheter kits) or hydrophilic catheters, where users can easily advance the catheter forward to insert without directly touching it. This minimizes the risk of contamination from the hands.

Bard Touchless Closed System Catheter

Catheter users often prefer this catheter type due to how easy and convenient they are to use. In addition, they may help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). Touch-free catheterization is shown to be quite effective at preventing catheter-associated UTIs in people with spinal cord injuries (SCI). Clinical studies demonstrated that the use of no-touch catheters is associated with a 30% UTI reduction.

Why Should I Use a No-Touch Catheter?

Many catheter users prefer no-touch catheters for many reasons. First, they’re often travel-ready and discreet. Plus, they’re convenient to use and carry. And, of course, the potential reduction of UTIs is an added bonus.
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No-Touch Catheter Options

Depending on your insurance coverage, you have quite a few options when it comes to choosing a no-touch catheter system.

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Two Types of No-Touch Catheters

Closed System Catheters

Closed system catheters are the preferred cathing system for many, including people in wheelchairs, children, and those who frequently travel, work, or go to school.

These pre-lubricated catheters come ready to use inside their own sterile collection bags. Others may have a hydrophilic coating that is easily activated by sterile water to become lubricated. Closed system catheter kits often have everything you need to cath hygienically in an all-in-one package. Insertion supplies often include helpful cathing accessories like gloves and antiseptic wipes.

Another awesome feature of many closed system catheters is the soft, flexible introducer tip. The introducer tip works by shielding the tip of the catheter and helping it bypass the bacteria in the outermost section of the urethra. This may further help reduce the risk of UTIs.

Hydrophilic Catheters

If your insurance policy does not cover closed system catheters (billed under HCPC code A4353), you may still be able to qualify for a hydrophilic catheter. Hydrophilic catheters either come pre-hydrated and ready to use or easily activated by an included sterile water packet.

Once it’s ready to use, the catheter stays optimally lubricated and offers a smooth insertion. Hydrophilic catheters minimize urethral friction, which can also help reduce the risk of infection. Most hydrophilic catheters are no-touch catheters, thanks to included handling sleeves that keep your hands off of the catheter tube.

The popular GentleCath™ Glide, a no-touch hydrophilic catheter for both males and females, helps make cathing more comfortable. Also, its unique FeelClean Technology™ reduces the mess left behind by alternate brands of hydrophilic catheters.

Most intermittent straight catheters aren’t no-touch catheters. However, some brands, such as MTG, offer a straight catheter with a guide sleeve to make catheterization touch-free. Also, some cathing techniques can reduce the risk of contamination from hands, such as wearing gloves and using antiseptic wipes.

Where to Buy No-Touch Catheters

Still not sure which catheter option is right for you? Contact us today and speak with a trained catheter specialist who can help you decide which insurance-covered intermittent catheter is best for your unique circumstances. Your health is too important to risk not using the right catheter product.

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Disclaimer:  Please note that this post is not to be taken as medical advice. This information should not be used in place of the recommendations and medical advice of your professional healthcare provider.

Sources:  Bennett CJ, Young MN and Darrington H. PubMed. 1995.

Bennett CJ, Young MN, Razi SS, Adkins R, Diaz F, McCrary A. PubMed. 1997.

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About the Author
The Full Guide to No-Touch Catheters
180 Medical is a nationally-accredited provider of intermittent catheters, incontinence supplies, and ostomy products.

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