We’re excited to start 2022 with brand-new educational content, including tips and ostomy product news. As we look ahead to a new year of new articles, we’re taking a look back at some of the top ostomy blog posts of 2021. Check out what our 180 Medical Community members have been reading lately!
Our Top 5 Ostomy Blog Posts of 2021
Whether you live with a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy, you will find some helpful content in our most popular ostomy articles of the year.
1. Troubleshooting Common Ostomy Issues: Ostomy Bag Leakage
One of the most common issues people with ostomies face is ostomy pouch leakage. However, there’s not one single culprit behind this common ostomy complication. There may be a few different reasons why your ostomy pouch is leaking. You can find out more in one of our most popular ostomy-related blog posts of the year.

2. Using Medicare to Pay for Ostomy Supplies
Did you know that many insurance companies will cover ostomy supplies? Medicare will pay for ostomy products, too, if you’re eligible. This top article of 2021 sheds light on Medicare coverage for ostomy pouches, skin barriers, and other supplies.
3. Intimacy After Ostomy Surgery
Intimacy is a very personal and often sensitive topic, especially for those new to living with an ostomy. Our comprehensive guide covers tips for approaching intimacy, dating, and relationships when living with an ostomy.
From who and when to tell and how to discreetly cover your ostomy, our tips cover your questions.
4. Life with an Ileostomy: Darlene’s 180 Medical Community Story
Darlene isn’t just a pleasure to talk with and know; she is also an inspiration to many of you who read her story in 2021.

If you haven’t already met this amazing member of the 180 Medical community, you’ll want to check out her story. Darlene also shares some of her firsthand experience and tips for adjusting to life with an ileostomy.
5. Common Ostomy Issues: Ostomy Pouch Smells
Another quite common issue that many ostomates deal with, especially those who live with a colostomy or ileostomy, is ostomy pouch odor.
In this detailed article, we go over some super-helpful tips and ostomy product options that may help you combat ostomy smells.
Thank You for Choosing 180 Medical As An Ostomy Resource
180 Medical strives not only to provide the highest-quality ostomy supplies; we also aim to provide educational tips, resources, and help for living with an ostomy. We truly appreciate that we’re one of your top picks for ostomy-related learning content.
Ready for more articles in 2022? Keep an eye on our blog, or better yet, sign up for our monthly email newsletters!
Plus, our Ostomy Specialists will be glad to help you find the ostomy products that can help turn your quality of life around. Contact us to experience our world-class service and care.