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Happy Holidays from 180 Medical

We’re so thankful for the chance to serve our wonderful customers, caregivers, healthcare providers, and families. Please enjoy this sincere holiday message from our family to yours. ❤

Meet a Few 180 Medical Community Members

Cindy's Ileostomy Journey - 180 Medical Community Stories

“Finding My Happy” with an Ileostomy: Cindy’s 180 Medical Community Story

Everyone’s ostomy story is unique. Some may go through years…

MS Awareness Ribbon

Embracing Life With MS: Irvinder’s 180 Medical Community Story

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is…

linda living with a colostomy

Living Life to the Fullest with a Colostomy: Linda’s 180 Medical Community Story

Life often presents us with challenges, sometimes unexpected and profound….

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