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What’s the difference between one-piece and two-piece pouches?

The main difference between one-piece and two-piece pouches is whether or not a skin barrier (the part that attaches to the skin around your stoma) is pre-attached to the ostomy bag. Which type of ostomy pouch to choose comes down to your preferences, needs, and lifestyle.

Not sure which to choose? You can try out different options with 180 Medical. Reach out to our ostomy experts to get started.

What are one-piece ostomy pouches?

With one-piece systems, the skin barrier and the pouch are pre-attached, so all you have to do is attach the one-piece pouch to your body over your stoma.

What are two-piece ostomy pouches?

With a two-piece system, you apply the skin barrier or ostomy wafer separately. Your pouch then attaches to this barrier via a flange.

Two-piece pouches allow for more frequent pouch changes without the need to pull off the skin barrier each time, so they may be ideal for ostomates with higher stoma output or people with skin sensitivities.

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